Artificial Casing
Non Edible Collagen Casing
These casings are versatile for both cooked and drying applications
Great for products with mould and longer drying times
It is available in rounds or straight middles
Size range: 38 – 120mm
Vareity of colours avaiable such as: salmon red, smoketone

Fibrous Casing
A cost effective way to maxmize your production, colour and taste of your products
Versatile for many applications since they can be cooked, dried and smoked
Fibrous casings are also great for size control compared to natural casings
Available in a variety of colours and prints
Size Range: 38mm – 140mm

Plastic Casing
Excellent product to increase yield and maximize shelf life of products
Casings can be used for cooked and frozen applications
Come in a variety of colours and tints
Also smoke impregnated options to provide a more natural looking colour and product

Cellulose Casing
This casing is pefect for maxmizing speed and consistency of coarse and fine emulsion type products
Cellulose is mainly used to produce hot dogs and skinless style sausages
Great option for halal producers
Size range 19mm -42mm